
The Rumpus Room – A Jen Brisson Experience

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B1 Gallery
April 2021

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– a room, usually in the basement of a home, used for games, parties and recreation.

Artist Jenn Brisson uses her art to encompass the hybrid life she grew up experiencing, being brought up in a Filipino-Canadian household. Split between two cultures, she often felt like a stranger; not quite one and not quite the other. Touching on the theme of a safe space, where one can truly be free, is the Rumpus Room’s foundation.

Jenn presents this installation, where memories of family, musical themes, and being immersed in a recreation room play in the aesthetic of the 70s, and bring a neutral zone of nostalgia.

The family portraits of her monsters delve into the comfortable yet unusual, where two races meet. Living in a home with a rumpus room, these monster families can be themselves, cozy yet wild.

Part of this installation introduces mushroom illustrations, incorporating rainbows and retro stripes, again playing with the juxtaposition of two worlds: linear and organic. These healing lifeforms are alien yet familiar, and cluster in their own little communities.

At times, we all feel like we are out of place and need to be seen for who we truly are. The Rumpus Room is a place where you can chill, entertain, or be in your own realm and let your imagination go. Here, you can get your fabulous freak on.

Catalogues are $25.00

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