FALSE-O-WEEN: Heroes and Villains
Welcome one and all to Beaumontopia, a fantastical city where all who enter are granted super human abilities!Some choose to stay and host, many come just to visit, but everyone while there gets to live out their most incredible dreams and maximum potential.
Before entering, people must first dress the part and have their powers in mind, or risk being cast as a mere innocent bystander.
There is also strength in numbers, and team efforts will be rewarded.
So use your imagination! You can of course copy a known super, or create your own new vision, the only limit is yourself!BANG! POW! ZAP! @&*%#!
Saturday March 30th, we are so excited to bring the return of False-o-Ween, a long running Halloween party in the spring! This will be a two room party, with places to explore and secrets to discover, multiple music genres from 11 djs, as well as burlesque and live performances to enhance and set the scene (names to be revealed soon, secret identities are being protected for now).
Get ready for the crossover event of a lifetime, worlds are about to collide!
#Thomas Workshop – https://soundcloud.com/thomas-workshop | https://www.instagram.com/sorenthomasworkshop/
#Civillian – https://soundcloud.com/civillianwashere | https://www.instagram.com/civillianwashere/
#Myles Away – https://soundcloud.com/mylesaway | https://www.instagram.com/myles_away/
#LVL – https://soundcloud.com/lvl-collective | https://www.instagram.com/lvl.collective
#Buff n Pretty (Mother Mary and Finn) – https://soundcloud.com/mother-mary-yyc | https://soundcloud.com/onlyfinns | https://www.instagram.com/onlyfinnstagram/
#Sheldon Knight – https://www.facebook.com/sheldon.knight | https://www.instagram.com/sknightfx/
#Lil Cis – https://soundcloud.com/lilcis | https://www.instagram.com/lilcis_/
#Woodhead – https://soundcloud.com/woodhead | https://www.instagram.com/woodhead_/
and performance lead:
#Melody Mangler and guests – https://www.instagram.com/melodymangler/ | https://melodymangler.net/