Dancing On Paper
Did you know that when you use your non-dominant hand, you Tap into the Right side of your Brain, the Creative Side? Come Explore !
” Dancing On Paper ” is a journey where we use our whole body and 2 hands to express ourselves with mark making.
We Explore the endless world of self expression through Kinesthetics method.
The non-linear journey visits the 5 different steps of the creative process:
1- Preparation
2-Combinatory play
Moving through each steps, sitting with comfortable and uncomfortable feeling, this is one of the feedback I have had from a client:
“I am so grateful for the creative liberation practices I have learned with Alexandra .This work weaves Emotional and Somatic wisdom practices with real life get out of stuck mode tools and expressive art healing skills. What a gift! Thank you and wholeheartedly recommending”
“I’m reflecting on what felt like a fierce response during the workshop on the paper (this is very rare for me) and surprising for me, I am so grateful to have arrived at that expression!!”
This work is inspired by 2 pioneer woman, Gabrielle Roth & Lucia Capacchione’s work with the non – dominant hand and Expressive Arts as well as my own practice as an Abstract Expressionism Painter which you can see in the video below:
12 spots available.
For enquiries please email
18th November 2023
10h30 am – 2h30 pm
The Beaumont Studios
316 W 5th Ave
Vancouver BC V5K 1K4